There is an amazing 'spit' of land at the other end of the island to Patitiri called 'Agios Dimitrios'. It has stunning views from the beach and I have been meaning to visit all summer! There is a bus that has been making the 40 minute journey twice a week so I hopped aboard on Sun last and soon wished I hadn't!!! The bus was far too big for the 90 degree hairpin bends that had sheer drops each side. One particular bend was just too much and we had to stop on the edge of the bend. The driver put the bus in reverse and forward it went,,,to large intakes of breath from all the passengers (especially me as I was in the front seat!). After another attempt at reverse in which it went forward again, a couple of girls asked to get off the bus so the doors were duly opened and off they got....quickly followed by the rest of us!!!! Poor bus driver, if that thing was going over the edge then he was the only one going with it. He finally managed to get it in reverse and back onto the safety of the tarmac to a round of applause from his cowardly passengers.
Agios Dimitrios
It obviously wasn't my week with regard to buses as on Thurs the same week we waited and waited for the bus to pick everyone up from Leftos Yialos until eventually 2 cars pulled up. It transpired that the bus had broken down and they had sent the cars to ferry us to another bus that was waiting half way back to Patitiri. Why they didn't just send that bus I will never know...Greek male logic for you!!!
Karen invited me to a BBQ on the roof on Saturday night where a couple of local bouzouki players were going to entertain us. I purposely didn't eat much that day as I had seen the kind of spread that Karen lays on.....the party started, ie the drinking, at 8.30 but men being men, the bbq wasn't fired up until 9.30 and wasn't ready to be cooked on until 10pm. We finally got fed around 10.30 by which time I was starving hungry and half cut!! It was a lovely evening though and I got to bed around 2am! Tuesday night the same muscians played a the Black Cat in Patitiri so I popped along to listen for an hour or two.
The island is very busy apparently although I don't think it is that bad. Although you can still get a table in the taverna's in Patitiri without too much trouble there is not a car or moped to be had for hire!! The poor people who have arrived without booking ahead are having to use the local bus or horror of horrors, walk everywhere....just like me!!
So, it's now 4 1/2 weeks until I leave the island for the UK. I am making the most of the sunshine and will carry on enjoying the island until I leave. It's quiz night tonight and will be my last as a participant as I will be hosting the next one! That's it for now....if I get my pics button to work I'll update the post at a later date. Until next time x